The Bird Addiction and Drunks.

I have the bird addiction, well Twitter that is.
I never in a million years thought that I, Hannah Laws, would have it.
Well. I do, and I'm already in love and it's only been an hour.
Pathetic. Ha.
Now onto the Drunks part.
So tonight I went out with fam to see Jonah Hex. Not only was it TERRIBLE but also this nice little douchebag decided to sit in front of me. Lovely. It was fine until he started turning around every five seconds and raping me with his half open eyes. Disgusting. So I was in the middle of watching a horrible fight scene when the drunk turns around and leans halfway over the chair and asks me if he can sit by me. Not only can I smell cheap beer on his breath but I can also smell his cheap cigarette smoke still lingering all over him. Awesome, I know. Anyways, it must have taken a lot of ego building for him to ask me the way he kept looking back and pretending like he was texting something important not knowing that with my glasses on I have Superman vision and could see his screen clearly as it remained on the homescreen the entire time he was "texting", so of course when he asked I was so annoyed that I made that built up ego boost he had given himself come tumbling down like my "NO." was an atomic bomb. It felt good. And yet he still decided that I was just playing coy with him, so when it was over he thought he could follow me out and stand there with my FAMILY like he had come with us and was my date, um no. Poor thing clearly had no idea who my dad was, and when he turned around and gave him this "I'm seriously about to kick your drunk buttt look" he must have decided that was the time to leave. Good job. Loser.


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