Summer Jobs.
First word coming to my mind about summer jobs = blah.
Yup, just blah. I mean, money is always welcomed with open arms and the satisfaction of proving that I am responsible is always a plus too. So, here is the big spill..
JOBS open for a 16 year old high school student include:
-cleaning toilets
-frying some disgusting fast food junk that completely curbs your appetite for the rest of your life
-cleaning dogs behinds
-..basically everything that no one wants.
I'm not trying to complain, but if we kids are the "future of America" shouldn't we be given jobs that help us out in life. I get that we should all start off at the bottom of the food chain, but I feel like the people that run these joints have any faith in us at all. Well who could blame them, pretty positive most of us have NEVER proven ourselves useful except that we can break into cars pretty well, smoke a bag of weed like nobody's business, and do the dumbest things known to mankind. But hey. We are kids. However, there are those of us that don't do all those ridiculous things, on a daily basis anyways, and yet we still are treated like we have any brain cells that can comprehend how to pick up a phone and say "Hello." blah.
I would love to work anywhere at this point, just so I can rake in some dough to buy myself these $17 dollar books that I can not seem to go a day without thinking about. (I mean really $17? Geeze.) Maybe next time I fill out an application I will be spoken to like I have more than the common sense of a 2 year old, yes that'd be quite nice. Thanks for the ego boost dumb hoe.
Yours Truly,
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